Maple and Your Health

Minerals, Vitamins, and General Nutrition
Maple Syrup is a significant source of several nutrients. Pure maple syrup has natural variations, but on average, a 4 Tbsp serving of Maple Syrup supplies us with more than 100% of our daily intake of manganese, 37% of riboflavin, 18% of zinc, 7% of magnesium, 5% of calcium, and 5% of potassium.

Glycemic Index
The Glycemic Index (GI) is a scale that ranks foods on how they affect blood glucose levels. By consuming foods with a low GI rating (55 or lower), we can potentially help prevent or control heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Maple Syrup (GI:54) compares favorably with other sweetening products such as cane sugar (GI:58) and honey (GI:87)

Heart Health
The zinc supplied by maple syrup, in addition to acting as an antioxidant, has other functions that can decrease the progression of atherosclerosis. Since is needed for the proper function of endothelial cells and helps to prevent the endothelial (inner lining of blood vessels) damage cased by oxidized LDL cholesterol and other oxidized fats. Endothelial membranes that are low in zinc are much more prone to injury. The manganese supplied by maple syrup is also good for the heart. Studies have found that adults deficient in manganese have decreased levels of HDL ("good" cholesterol).
